God’s Plan for each of us is quite amazing. Many occasions finds us being in just the right place at the right time to meet someone who changes your life forever. That is exactly what happen to bring Megan into my life.
Today is Megan’s birthday and I would like to tell you her remarkable story.
Time slips away but I believe it to be sometime in 2004. My mom had a severe stroke and she was in the hospital in Tyler. I was in such fear that I would lose my mom, I spent all the time I could with her. During my early morning visits I noticed this same family sleeping and resting in the waiting room. One day we struck up a conversation. Their daughter, Megan, had been in a horrible automobile accident. There was a time where the doctors didn’t give them much hope and even if she lived they did not know the extent of the brain damage she had suffered.
This routine of talking with her family and checking on Megan’s progress continued for several weeks. I’m not sure some of her family ever left that hospital. As the weeks progressed, Megan’s condition improved to the point that she was no longer in danger of dying.
I remember it like it was yesterday. I arrived at the hospital and Megan’s parents told me they were transferring her to Dallas to a rehab hospital. I waited outside the door and finally got my first glimpse at this miracle teen. Megan was asleep on the stretcher or possible they had sedated her for the trip. What a beautiful young lady! Oh, how I prayed that God would be with her.
I did exchange phone numbers with her mother and was able to keep up with Megan’s progress. Megan continued to progress and we kept in touch through emails. I finally called her number and was able to hear her voice for the first time. We talked for what seemed like an hour.
She told me she was still having some memory problems and problems with her speech but overall she was doing good. She had finished high school and was enrolling in college. She relayed just another way God changes our plans sometimes. Megan explained to me that before the accident she really didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life, but since the accident it had become crystal clear what God had intended. She was going to school to be able to help others who had sustained brain injuries such as she.
I cannot tell you how touched I am! I praise God every time I think of you – how awesome He is! I am so glad He brought you into my life; I couldn’t imagine the last several years without your constant friendship and prayers. Your post brings tears to my eyes…what a wonderful birthday gift! You can’t imagine what you mean to me and how much your words affect me 🙂 You are such a blessing, and I hope you will never forget it!
Love you!